Harry Lorayne
Harry Lorayne
哈利-洛雷恩是美国魔术师、记忆训练专家、作家,被美国「时代」TIME杂志称为「记忆训练的尤达」。 他以他的「助记符」示范而闻名,并出现在众多电视节目中,包括由约翰尼卡森Johnny Carson主演的「今夜秀」 The Tonight Show 。他的书「记忆书」The Memory Book是纽约时报50周最高销售纪录的畅销书,他的纸牌魔术,特别是他在扑克牌手法上的创新,被业余和职业魔术师广泛模仿。
【奖项与荣誉】 2010年 美国「国际魔术师协会」IMS默林奖终生成就奖 2016年The John Nevil Maskelyne Prize Harry Lorayne是一个多产的作家,他为公众编写记忆力训练书籍,也为职业魔术师撰写书籍。他的「记忆书」The Memory Book已经售出了二百万本,而在「编年史」第一卷中 Chronicles: Volume One ,鲍布迪伦Bob Dylan写道,他在阅读洛雷恩的书之前不久就在一本朋友的藏书中找到了作为一个音乐明星的经历。 著名魔术师Randy Wakeman说「洛雷恩是当今世界上最有影响力的作家、出版人和魔术流程的导师」,二十年来,洛雷恩撰写并出版了魔术月刊「启示录」 Apocalypse,它是和Richard Kaufman共同创立并开始,后本 Richard Kaufman因要创立自已的出版社,在经营「启示录」第一年后就离开了。 How To Develop a Super Power Memory (1957) Harry Lorayne's Secrets of Mind Power (1961) Close-Up Card Magic (1962) Personal Secrets (1964) My Favorite Card Tricks (1965) Dingle's Deceptions (1966) Best of Bill-fooled (1967) The Harry Lorayne Memory Isometrics Course (1968) Reputation-Makers (1971) Tarbell #7 (1972) The Great Divide (1972) Good Memory - Good Student! A Guide to Remembering What To Learn (1972) Rim Shots (1973) The Memory Book: The Classic Guide to Improving Your Memory at Work, at School, and at Play (1974) Afterthoughts (1975) The Epitome Location (1976) The Magic Book (1977) The Card Classics of Ken Krenzel (1978) Quantum Leaps (1979) Best of Friends, Vol. 1 (1982) Memory Makes Money (1985) Star Quality (1987) Trend Setters (1990) Doug Edwards Packs A Wallop (1997) Complete Guide To Memory Mastery (1998) Personal Collection (2001) How to get Rich Using the power of your mind (2003) The Classic Collection, Volume 1 (contains Close-Up Card Magic, Personal Secrets, My Favorite Card Tricks, Deck-Sterity, The Epitome Location) (2005) Best of Friends, Vol. 3 (2007) The Classic Collection, Volume 2 (containing Reputation-Makers, Rim Shots, Afterthoughts) (2008) The Classic Collection, Volume 3 (contains Quantum Leaps, Trend Setters, Dingle's Deceptions, The Great Divide) (2010) Special Effects (2011) The Classic Collection, Volume 4 (containing The Magic Book, Star Quality, The Card Classics of Ken Krenzel) (2012) Before I Forget (memoirs/autobiography) (2013) The Classic Collection, Volume 5 (containing Doug Edwards Packs A Wallop, The Himber Wallet Book, Mathematical Wizardry) (2014) Jaw Droppers (2015) Jaw Droppers Two (2017) Apocalypse Magazine - 1978-1997